New Mode of Officials Live Streaming to Support Farmers and Agriculture Under the Background of Rural Revitalization——Based on Theory of Social Development Model
中文关键词: 乡村振兴  官员直播  助农模式  社会发展模型
英文关键词: rural revitalization  officials live streaming  mode of supporting farmers and agriculture  social development model
李月娥 东北大学 文法学院辽宁 沈阳110169 
刘晓慧 东北大学 文法学院辽宁 沈阳110169 
摘要点击次数: 2644
全文下载次数: 681
      “官员直播”作为政府扶贫助农方式的一种全新探索,在后疫情时代成为拓宽农产品销路、加大农村产业扶贫和推进乡村振兴战略的有力手段。以2020 年7 月丹东政府官员直播活动为个案,通过问卷调查和深度访谈获取数据,基于社会发展模型理论,从政策、资源、技术、理念四维度及其相互作用关系展开分析。研究发现,丹东官员直播助农新模式在实践中存在规约制度体系不健全、合作资源类型缺乏、直播与宣传技能不足、官员直播观念滞后等问题。基于此,从完善政策体系、拓宽合作资源类型、加强网络直播技术学习与应用、转变官员直播滞后理念等方面提出对策建议。
      As a new exploration of the government’s way of supporting farmers and agriculture,“officials live streaming” has gradually become powerful means to expand the market of agricultural products, increase poverty alleviation by developing industries in rural areas and promote rural revitalization strategy in post-pandemic era. Taking“ officials live streaming” event of Dandong government in July 2020 as the case, this paper obtained data through questionnaire survey and in-depth interview. Based on the theory of social development model, this paper analyzes the four dimensions of policy, resources, technology and concept and their interaction. It is found that there are some problems in the practice of Dandong“ officials live streaming” new mode of supporting farmers and agriculture, such as imperfect regulation system, lack of cooperation resource type, insufficient skills of live streaming and publicity, lagging concept of“ officials live streaming”, and so on. Based on this, it puts forward countermeasures and suggestions from the aspects of perfecting policy system, expanding cooperation resource type, strengthening learning and application of live streaming skill, changing lagging concept of“officials live streaming”, and so on.
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