农村生态环境治理中公众参与困境研究——以上海崇明生态岛 LY村为个案
Study on Public Participation in the Management of Ecological Environment in Rural Areas ——A Case Study of LY Village in Chongming Ecological Island of Shanghai
中文关键词: 生态环境治理  公众参与  农村地域发展  政治行政环境
英文关键词: ecological environment governance  public participation  rural regional development  political and administrative environment
滕燕华 上海开放大学崇明分校上海 202150 
易臻真 华东师范大学城市发展研究院上海 200062 
摘要点击次数: 1967
全文下载次数: 550
      Rural ecological environment governance has become a global topic, which has been concerned by the public and scholars. The biggest difficulty in rural ecological environment governance is public participation, public participation in rural ecological environment governance has profound significance for the development of rural areas. The public's attitude and behavior in the field of "public" and "private" are obviously different. In the "public" field, the public participation mechanism caused by the "top-down" political and administrative environment is not smooth, which makes the public tacitly accept the community welfare given by the government; in the "private" field, the public shows more game behavior of ecological land, on the one hand, They pursue maximized economic benefits, on the other hand, they are restricted by the safety of agricultural and sideline products under the mode of "selfproduction and self-marketing" . In addition, women with enthusiasm for participation are marginalized due to the constraints of local culture and excluded from the public participation network. To truly deconstruct its participation dilemma, we need to reshape the rationality of public participation based on a deep understanding of local culture.
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