Discussion on the Modern Apprenticeship Talents' Education for the BusinessEnterprise Management Major in Higher Vocational Colleges
中文关键词: 现代学徒制  工商企业管理专业  人才培养路径  岗位能力
英文关键词: the modern apprenticeship system  the business enterprise management major  path of talent education  occupational capacity
汪海燕 北京农业职业学院北京 100093 
杨永杰 北京农业职业学院北京 100093 
张红 北京农业职业学院北京 100093 
王绍飞 北京农业职业学院北京 100093 
摘要点击次数: 1653
全文下载次数: 976
      The modern apprenticeship education system in our country has not unified and clear definition yet during its experimental stage. From the viewpoint of the connotation of modern apprenticeship system on, this paper analyzes the confusion during implementing the modern apprenticeship talents’ education for the business enterprise management major in higher vocational colleges. Taking the business enterprise management major of Beijing Vocational College of Agriculture as an example, this paper puts forward some specific paths of modern apprenticeship talent’s education. Firstly personnel training objectives should be determined according to the industrial development trend. Secondly the modern apprenticeship education should be done in the corresponding enterprises on basis of occupational capacities. Thirdly curriculum standards should be formulated based on the job standard and industry qualification standard. Fourthly "working-studying alternation" should be penetrated during the whole training process. Finally, an effective apprenticeship education system would be established.
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