Primary Discussion on the Education of International Students in China for Vocational Colleges Under the Belt and Road Initiative—Take Beijing Vocational College of Agriculture as an Example
中文关键词: 教育发展  来华留学生  职业院校
英文关键词: Belt and Road Initiative  vocational colleges  international students in China
付宁花 北京农业职业学院北京 100093 
梁秀文 北京农业职业学院北京 100093 
李英军 北京农业职业学院北京 100093 
摘要点击次数: 1664
全文下载次数: 603
      The Belt and Road Initiative, the educational reforms and construction of world- leveled city have brought opportunities of fast development and a broad platform for education of international students in China. Against this background, educational institutions at all levels in Beijing also actively carry out education of international students in China. Beijing Vocational College of Agriculture has run the education of international students with its own unique features by clearly positioning itself, innovating its management mode and paying attention to the content development of the education. However, it also faces problems, for example, various projects are small in scale and a high loss of students earning a diploma. Measures to solve these difficulties mainly include: cooperating with enterprises to train tailored skilled talents, using “internet+” model, exploring subject advantages to establish courses taught in English, paying attention to and speeding up the construction of a team of international teachers. These measures are expected to obtain better education effects for international students.
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