The Influence Factors Analysis on the Choice of Tourism Destination of aFamily of three in Beijing Suburbs
中文关键词: 三口之家  京郊游  目的地选择
英文关键词: a family of three  Beijing suburbs  destination choice
何艳琳 北京农业职业学院北京 102442 
杨永杰 北京农业职业学院北京 102442 
秦志红 北京农业职业学院北京 102442 
郑莹 北京农业职业学院北京 102442 
贾艳琼 北京农业职业学院北京 102442 
摘要点击次数: 860
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      A family of three as the main family pattern in China, is an important part of family travel market. Beijing suburbs tourism of A family of three has become one of the normal family life in Beijing and the surrounding areas. The investigation and analysis on social demographic characteristics, travel motivation, travel information source, the decision-making of tourism, tourist preference and the choice of Beijing suburbs tourism destination, satisfaction and revisit intention factors of a family of three showed that the current situation for a family of three travel is also needed to be further improved in the environmental protection, food and accommodation, marketing and other aspects to promote the development of Beijing suburbs tourism destination.
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